CALLING ALL SEA TERRACE 2 OWNERS Sea Terrace 2 is seeking owners interested in a Board of Directors position in ST2 for the 2025-2027 term. Please consider volunteering to benefit ST2! Text Jeannie at (773) 241-4705 for questions or nominations no later than March 14. … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Annual Meeting: April 25, 2023

Sea Terrace II Annual Meeting April 25, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.  Meeting at the North Manta Court cul-de-sac Bring your own chair!   … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Townhomes Association

  Sea Terrace II Townhomes Association Mission: Sea Terrace II Townhomes Association is a Sub Association dedicated to the successful administration of the  Sea Terrace II Townhome section of our community.   Sea Terrace II Board Members: Adrienne Ruben, Vice President-Escrows Erica Ross, Co-Treasurer Jeannie … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Annual Meeting: March 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse

The Sea Terrace II Homeowners annual meeting will be held March 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the foyer of the Clubhouse. All homeowners in Sea Terrace II are encouraged to attend to hear important information about our association and to vote for board members, review the 2018 budget, and learn about the scheduled exterior painting. … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace Towhomes Association II: 2015 Annual Meeting

ANNOUNCEMENT The Sea Terrace II Annual Meeting has been set for February 23, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Niguel Shores Clubhouse. In addition to regular business, at this meeting we will elect officers to the Board of Directors of the Sea Terrace II Townhomes. Three positions are open for the 2016-2018 calendar years. A term is for 2 years. To be … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace ll Sub-Association: Board Meeting Schedule

The Sea Terrace ll Open Board meeting schedule is as follows: June 9, 2015 August 11, 2015 October 13, 2015 Meetings will begin at 10:00 a.m. Locations are T.B.D. If interested in attending, please contact President Joe Ross at or Secretary Jeannie Sticher at Future dates will be announced in … [Read more...]

Seashore News Error – No Sea Terrace II Annual Meeting in September

In the September 2014 Edition of the Seashore News it stated there was a Sea Terrace II Annual meeting to be held this month.  This was an error and should not have been included in this edition. The Communication Committee would like to apologize for any inconvenience.   … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Homeowners

Be sure to review the below notice from the Sea Terrace II Sub Association regarding this years painting project.   Notice regarding Sea Terrace II Painting Project … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Townhomes Association – January SSN Announcement

SEA TERRACE TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION     NOMINATING COMMITTEE Election for board officers for 2013 will take place during the 2nd week of February.  A firm date has not yet been chosen.   There are currently two positions open on the board.  A nominating committee has been formed to accept nominations.   Janet and George Traver and … [Read more...]

Sea Terrace II Townhomes – Nominating Committee

NOMINATING COMMITTEE Election for board officers for 2013 will take place during the 2nd week of February.  A firm date has not yet been chosen.   There are currently two positions open on the board.  A nominating committee has been formed to accept nominations.   Janet and George Traver and Joe Ross are the committee members and they can be … [Read more...]