The work of the maintenance team never stops. Clubhouse Refurbishment—By the time you are read- ing this, the refresh on the interior of the Community Cen- ter Clubhouse should be almost complete. Taking advantage of the required closure per COVID-19 requirements, some much needed new carpet, wall coverings and tile have been installed all designed … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: August 2020 News
Well, after a hiatus of several months when we could not meet in person, the Maintenance Committee is meeting again regularly, and has come back up to speed quickly.Contrary to popular belief, our community required continuing maintenance even during the imposed shut down required by city, county, and state officials due to COVID-19. Even with the … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: January 2020 News
Wow, so strange to type 2020! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season enjoying some much needed time with family and friends. While 2019 was a busy year for community maintenance projects, 2020 planning is already under way and, in some cases, has already started.In the spirit of appreciation in the New Year, we want to thank our … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: December 2019 News
We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends, whether you traveled or were able to enjoy the holiday in our wonderful community. If you are a swimmer or enjoy the spa, you are undoubtedly happy to find the pool and spa open again after the Orange County Health Department mandated maintenance closure. It has been a busy year for … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween! As fall is upon usand the clocks have been turned back, the Maintenanceteam is wrapping up their warm weather projects andturning to annual maintenance of our other facilities. Onemajor project that needs to be squeezed in between thesummer traffic and cool fall weather is the ongoing resurfacing of our community … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: October 2019 News
As we transition from summer to the beautiful fall months, or what I like to call the “Local Summer,” our maintenance focus shifts to long term projects. The 2019 Street Seal Coat Project has gone smoothly, thanks to the great coordination between our Maintenance Staff, the Management Office, and Securitas. Our main entry point on Mariner Drive is … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: August 2019 Update
If you were able to visit the Bluff on what was another spectacular 4th of July or the wonderful 50th Anniversary Celebration, you may have noticed some new amenities while enjoying the food, fun and comradery.New Picnic Tables: Due to table repairs covered by the manufacturer and the addition of two new rectangular redwood picnic tables, we now … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: May 2019 News
After a long cool wet winter, we are in full swing preparing our community for what many consider the highlight of living in our little corner of the world . . . the summer season with trips to the beach, pool parties, bluff picnics and all the other activities we enjoy here at Niguel Shores.At the bluff all the old portable tables, which had … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: Benches
You may have noticed—and probably used—the benches throughout our community that have been donated by various individuals and organizations. The Maintenance Staff installs these benches after residents submit proposals and the benches are approved by the NSCA Board. Two memorial plaques on teak benches at the beach bluff were placed in remembrance … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: December 2018 News
A special thank you to our Maintenance Staff, led by George Cooley. They work tirelessly all year round to implement Board approved requests and Maintenance Committee decisions. Thanks to great planning and execution, these projects are moving ahead with minimal inconvenience: ■ Replace hydraulic closer and hinge on the Fob Gate at the Bluff … [Read more...]
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