Ready for the 4th—Hopefully you are in full summer mode and prepping for our Independence Day festivities. The Management Team has been extremely busy preparing for all the wonderful events that go along with Niguel Shores community celebration—from mounting the beautiful 4th of July decorations, to readying the Clubhouse for the annual Men’s Club … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: June 2022
Ready for Summer—Summer is here! Well, the traditional Memorial Day to Labor Day summer, if not the solstice later this month and the longest day of the year. These longer days mean plenty of outside activities from the pool, to the courts, to the park and the bluff. Your Maintenance Team has the community ready with the completed semi-annual pool/ … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: December 2021
Hopefully your holidays are in full swing, you are hanging decorations with care, and planning some holiday cheer with friends this year! If you live in the Garden Homes off of Niguel Shores Drive and Atlantic to the north, the annual street repair is starting early and there are some dates you’ll want to remember as you plan your holiday … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: November 2021 News
Pool Maintenance—As we slip into fall and winter months, the Maintenance Team’s focus shifts to annual and on- going projects. One such project is the troublesome appearance of black algae in our pool. While this is not a cause for alarm, it is important to recognize and treat its existence. First of all, swimmers will not be harmed by the … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: October 2021
Happy Fall to all! As we move into the new season, the work in Niguel Shores shifts to more annual maintenance projects but, because we enjoy such excellent weather year-round, we always keep an eye on the most popular amenities like the beach bluff, clubhouse and pool. Bluff Benches—Next time you are at the bluff taking in a beautiful fall … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: August 2021
How much fun it was to see all the Community out together for the 4th of July events! While we were all enjoying that wonderful day, we might not have realized the work that went into preparing everything so it was ready for our enjoyment. The event was literally “all hands on deck” for our onsite maintenance staff—and one member, in particular, … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: July 2021
With a full slate of events back on the calendar, the Maintenance Team has been busy prepping and preparing for a fun summer. Bluff Improvements—At the Beach Bluff, several new, sturdy, covered trash cans have been installed. Some of the teak chairs are being replaced and more are planned for the future. The plastic benches near the handicapped … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: May 2021
On our way to normal again!Spring is here with a new beginning in more ways than one. DID YOU KNOW? Of those Americans 65 and older, 78% have received at least one COVID dose, and 61% are fully vaccinated. Over 120 million vaccines have been administered. 8.2 million shots as of this writing! We are well on our way, with those of us in the 50 and … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee: March 2021
Bike RacksKeen eyes may have noticed newly installed stainless steel bikeracks at the entrance to the Community Center.As usual, this was not the result of just one committee but a collaboration of several. One of the many changes resulting from the pandemic was therapid increase in the use of bicycles of every shape and form including the … [Read more...]
Maintenance Committee
The Maintenance Committee is planning for projects that will stretch well into 2021, but we also feel it is important to reflect on what was accomplished this past year. It cannot be forgot- ten that for our community to continue to operate and function on a daily basis required our own team of essential workers to be here day in and day out. Our … [Read more...]
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