Maintenance Commitee – September Update

Do you know your way to our Sunset Park? We know the way to our beautiful Beach Bluff Park and the Athletic/Picnic Park at the ClubHouse, but there are other less known quite, serene little pocket parks in the community . Sunset Park is located on Niguel Shores Drive near the Cockleshell cul-de-sac. Maintenance has given it a fresh new look. The … [Read more...]

Gate & Fence Painting

We once wrote about rust being evil. Our Maintenance guys have a different view. For them wood rot and rust represent job security. The entrance gates and fences are undergoing rust removal and painting. The Manta and Cabrillo Gates have been completed. Mariner and Garibaldi should be completed before this article is printed. The Bluff fence will … [Read more...]

Maintenance Update

The Garibaldi Gate vehicle gate operators, barrier arm and battery backup system, were scheduled for refurbishment later this year. As is often true about “the best laid plans,” events on Memorial Weekend forced a change in these plans. On Monday, May 28, a staff holiday, the gate would not open or respond to the barcode reader (this never happens … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee – June 2012

A fairly normal month in Niguel Shores for the Maintenance Department. The FOB gate at the Beach Bluff Park stopped working. The gate fails on the weekend when we don’t have staff on site to make the repairs so the Maintenance Manager comes in the morning to open the gate and again at night to lock the gate. Monday, we find the problem. The fix … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee – May 2012

George leaves for vacation and Dave Smith, our lead maintenance man, is in charge. With the Boss gone, Dave and the Maintenance Staff are anticipating a peaceful week. Not so. It’s after midnight and Dave gets a call from the security service. “You need to come in now”. The bar code reader at the Manta Court Gate is down. The reader is mounted on … [Read more...]

Maintenance – April 2012

Maintenance is planned to be proactive, but events often require a reactive response and a delay of planned projects. There have been both planned and unplanned projects this past month. Proactive includes both planned projects, and routine maintenance. Routine maintenance includes daily upkeep of pool and spa, general cleaning, trash pickup, set … [Read more...]

Maintenance – March 2012

The envelope please. And the winners are……. Jerry Koppang and George Cooley for leading the MaintenanceDepartment and the ad hoc Irrigation Committee in the first phase of a financially, and performance successful turnaround of the NSCA irrigation system. In mid-year 2007, the installation of fifty-one new smart irrigation controllers was … [Read more...]

Maintenance – February 2012

Dave Smith was recently certified as an Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO) by the National Certification Board (NCB) and National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). The AFO examination is administered by NRPA, the Aquatic Facility Operator Certification Committee (AFOC) and the NCB. AFO Certifications are valid for a period of five years. The … [Read more...]

Maintenance – January 2012

Almost complete. Seven years ago the Maintenance Committee, chaired by Sam Johnson, with Board approval, began a project to replace all the pressed brick on the Garden Home streets. The pressed brick had deteriorated with numerous cracks and chips. The appearance was not pleasing and there were trip hazards for anyone who might walk across them. In … [Read more...]

Maintenance – December 2011

If you heard a little noise and saw a little dust in the neighborhood, it was probably a sidewalk grinding machine. California Grinders Inc. spent a week here grinding down possible sidewalk trip hazards at over one hundred locations. In addition to grinding, Glenn Harker Cement Company replaced sidewalk in twelve locations with new cement. The … [Read more...]