Maintenance Committee: July 2024 News

Be a Good Neighbor—Well, we are into the heart of summer and the Independence Holiday is upon us. With all the fun and festivities, it is important to remember to be safe and a good neighbor. We now have many new amenities to enjoy, but it has been noted that some are not using them as intended. The Bocce Ball courts are for Bocce Ball only. They … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: June 2024

Summer’s here and the time is right Well, maybe not for “dancing in the street” as the song says, but I think we are all looking forward to the warmer weather and the longest days of the year. For an integral member of our Maintenance Staff, summer brings the sunset of a long and successful 20 years here at Niguel Shores. I am speaking about our … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: May 2024

Street Maintenance Costs—A quick note about the continued upward pressure on costs for all of us. In November of 2023, the largest asphalt material plant in Irvine was closed. Due to the closure, costs for asphalt material delivered and dump fees have increased significantly. The closest asphalt plants capable of supplying larger paving projects … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: February 2024

As we swing into the second month of the new year, the Maintenance Committee would like to focus on some recent developments with the Maintenance Staff. First, we want to welcome Tom Shimkus back at work after an extended leave. We are happy to see your smiling face again, Tom! The committee would also like to welcome a new addition to the staff. … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: Street Maintenance Project

Street Maintenance Project—Weather permitting, here is the schedule for the 2024 street maintenance project in your area and areas that may impact you. This schedule is also posted on the Niguel Shores website and will be updated as needed. Please proceed with caution in the affected areas during this work. Streets and Dates—Niguel Shores Drive … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: December 2023

2023 has been a year of many interesting projects, some planned and some unplanned. The unplanned was an SUV speeding down Mariner Drive and running over our new barcode reader and through the pedestrian gate causing quite a disruption. Well, the barcode reader was replaced rather quickly but the gate took longer and was happily completed in … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: October 2023

Happy Fall to all! As we are all aware, the Recreation Amenities project is in full swing but that doesn’t mean our regular maintenance stops. If anything, our projects will require a little more work coordinating around the Amenities work. Street Maintenance—Our annual Street Maintenance is in the final planning stages. Great thought is being put … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: June 2023

Preparations for summer are in full swing. The new Beach Bluff portable tables arrived just in time for summer picnics and parties. Unfortunately, the Maintenance Staff has noticed that a few residents are using the fixed wood tables as a step-up bench while working out. Please note that these bench seats are not exercise equipment and are not … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee

Maintenance Committee Mission   The mission of the NSCA Maintenance Committee is to serve the Board of Directors and community as an advisor in matters related to the upkeep and care of the physical assets of the Association. At the request of the Board, the committee will work with the association staff to: Provide recommendations … [Read more...]

Maintenance Committee: April 2023

The calendar says it is spring, but who knows what our crazy weather will be this month. Nevertheless, the Maintenance Team is starting spring cleaning in preparation for residents to get out and enjoy our wonderful community no matter the weather. Pool/Spa Closure is scheduled for April 24 to May 5. This will be for the semi-annual maintenance of … [Read more...]