Landscape – February 2012

January’s Landscape Committee Meeting was our chance to meet and welcome Harvest’s landscape personnel. They are very familiar with our Hydro Points Weathertrak Satellite System and give it a top rating. This irrigation system with new connections for pressure with different elevations, re-piping, new breaker boxes, etc. has been taking a lot of … [Read more...]

Master Landscape Program Update

The NSCA Board of Directors held a special meeting Tuesday to discuss the direction to take for our Master Landscape program in 2012. With $350,000 budgeted for such projects this year, we are now leaning toward renovation of the Sunset park area along Niguel Shores drive, adjacent to Dosinia and Cockleshell and partial renovation of the Nauticus … [Read more...]

Seashore News – December 2012 From the Helm

Excerpt from the December 2011 Edition of the Seashore News From the Helm Article: "...The Master Landscape Committee put together design plans and a four to five year schedule for re-landscaping most of our 39 slopes. The most problematic slopes will be addressed in the next two years. Funding for that has been arranged. They also produced … [Read more...]

Harvest Landscape on First Day of Work

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Landscape – December 2011

A fond farewell to Wendt Landscape Services...they have served us well since 1977. The new trucks you will see are from Harvest Landscape, Inc. We trust they will have new and innovative ideas for our continuing landscape design. The annual tree trimming will be in full force. When you have suggestions or complaints be sure and fill out a … [Read more...]

Landscape Contractor Update

The Board of Directors recently reevaluated our landscaping maintenance requirements and reached out to numerous landscape companies requesting their presentations and bids. Harvest Landscape was the winning bidder and will be our landscape contractor beginning December 1 2011. Members of the bid selection committee were particularly impressed by … [Read more...]

How much money can be saved by changing an acre of turf to an acre of low water use plants in Niguel Shores?

  Click here for the Answer … [Read more...]

Master Landscape Committee

  Master Landscape Committee Mission: The Master Landscape Committee coordinates the study of, and continued discussion regarding plant material, design, and irrigation for the Niguel Shores slopes and other common area. Members: Sam Johnson, Board Liaison Chris Griffitts Ellen Dovey Donna Rosecrans Irene O'Brien Jerry … [Read more...]

Seashore News Article – September 2011

Hope everyone has had an opportunity to read the excellent article in the September 2011 Issue of the Seashore News regarding the MASTERLANDSCAPE plan.  It is a very good overview of all that has been done and will be done regarding the master plan.  Click on the title for a link to the September newsletter. … [Read more...]

Concept Drawing – Mariner’s Entry

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