In this column for the past eight years, Kent Wellbrock reached out to us with over 100 informative articles about keeping ourselves safe and being prepared for emergencies and natural disasters. Nobody addressed our community with more enthusiasm,energy, positive spirit, and loving concern than Kent in his monthlycolumn! With Kent’s passing, … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness: January 2021
Have we just witnessed the most unusual, unprecedented and disturbing year, not only in our personal lives but in the history of our country! Let's resolve to attack 2021 with efforts to improve the way we live our daily lives based on what we've learned from 2020.That's a big resolution across many aspects of our day- to-day lifestyles, some of … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Game Account Hackers
Have you had “that talk” with your kids yet? Well, not “that talk,” but nevertheless an important one. Along with everything we are facing in our lives (COVID-19, political issues, wildfires) this one is also important to address: Have you heard about hackers stealing kids’ gaming accounts? Game account hackers:Guess what? The bad guys are … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness: October 2020
Can you ever remember dealing with the many challengeswe are facing today? More than ever, it’s so important weface reality and cope with these challenges.Coping strategies take many forms, but we can start by using our own emotional and mental resources to address issues confronting us. Draw upon the strengths that work best for you: Faith, trust, … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Kindness
I'm serving up some options for navigating through this very difficult time. All you have to do is take some notes, if you choose, or simply close your eyes and commit to experimenting with some everyday interactions that will help someone else, but you too.The magic word for this exercise is KIND. Being KIND is an excellent coping skill for the … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness: August 2020 Update
It's that time of the year again. Oh, you say.What time is that?Normally many of us would be talking aboutgetting ready for “Back to School” activities like changes in family schedules, carpooling, moving into a new dorm, buy- ing supplies, doing registration, trying out for sports—every- thing. For all of us that's changed, for some more than … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness: July 2020
Last month, we talked about our blessings, gratitude,appreciation, and all the things we can be thankful for even in challenging times like dealing with COVID-19.Don't let stress distract from the day-to-day positivity we need to maintain and insure our health, emotional well- being, and family safety.Please, DO NOT be lulled into a state of … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness: June 2020
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESSAs you read thisJune edition, the Coronavirus news might not have improved much in the health or economic outlook.BUT, living here in the Shores does have some positive points we should be thank- ful for—so let’s think on those for a moment.■ In our gated community we have a reduced exposure to the foot and vehicle traffic … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness Committee: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly As of this writing and submission to the Seashore News for May’s edition, it is April 20. By the time you read this, ten more days of the COVID-19 will have progressed and hopefully we will be experiencing more positive and encouraging news. The Ugly Don’t fall victim to the ever-present scams. Be wary … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Health
WOW! If ever there was a time to be PREPARED and VIGILANT—IT’S NOW. Even as you read this article and the COVID-19/coronavirus has been in the news since late January, all precautions and safety measures are still very relevant.The suggestions and tips that follow were all taken from articles originating through sources such as The Center … [Read more...]
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