Communication Committee: Website

During times like these when resi- dents need and want updates on our Niguel Shores community, there’s no better place to look than the Niguel Shores website at NSCA Board, the Communications Committee, and the NSCA management team in the office are regularly post- ing information to keep you informed. With a click of the … [Read more...]

Communication Committee: May 2020 News

As you can tell reading this, due to COVID-19 precautions, the Seashore News is digital again this month. Last month,the April issue was the first time in 47 years that our publication wasonly online and not hand-delivered directly to our residents.The task of putting our May newsletter together andgettingit to you here online was a lot like our … [Read more...]

Comm. Cmte – Resident Accolades: April 2020

ACCOLADESThank you to these good-hearted Niguel Shores residents who let us know they are offering their assistance to those in our community needing help with an errand, groceries, pharmacy, etc. You can contact them through or at their numbers given below: Rhonda Dunlevie wrote:As you know we have a volunteer group in Niguel … [Read more...]

Comm. Cmte. – Resident Accolades: March 2020

ACCOLADESThe Seashore News is happy to acknowledge our residents who contribute to the community, achieve a goal, reach a milestone, or deserve recognition. Let us know about it at 2020 Fiesta Sheriff Dave Euzarraga awards Ron Lee and Maria Elena Banks for helping to produce three events in conjunction with the 2020 … [Read more...]

Website: February 2020 News

Our Niguel Shores Website www. is your best resource to help you stay informed and get the most up-to-date information about what is happening in our vibrant community. This month when you log on, you will learn about improvements the Ad Hoc Master Recreation Committee is considering changes to the community … [Read more...]

Communication Committee: SSN Archive

COMMUNICATION The Communication Committee extends a huge “Thank You” to all the Seashore News writers, photographers, and distribution volunteers who bring the news to our Niguel Shores residents every month. In addition, we want to acknowledge our NSCA office staff for their help and support throughout the year. Special thanks to Matt … [Read more...]

Website: October 2019 News

Use your smart phone, computer, or any electronic device with an Internet connection to see what’s happening in Niguel Shores! Go to and check for events, view photo galleries, get community updates, see the calendar of monthly activities, check the archives of previous newsletters, learn community history, and read opinions … [Read more...]

Communication Committee:

Our committee is made up of residents and NSCA liaisons whose goal is to bring neighborhood news to Niguel Shores through the Seashore News and the Niguel Shores website For over forty years, ourvolunteer residents have planned, written, published, and delivered the Seashore News every month to each home in the community. A … [Read more...]

Communication Committee: May 2019 Website News

Niguel Shores events, photos, and news are available on your smart phone, computer, or any electronic device with an internet connection. Go to the NSCA website You will find the current news and community updates, the calendar of monthly activities, announcements of events, photo galleries, archives of previous newsletters … [Read more...]

Website: August 2018

If you are wondering how anyone could possibly outdo the Bushnell Family’s golf cart entry from last year’s 4th of July Parade (remember the doughnuts?) you’ll have to check out our website to see color photos of this year’s amazing winners—they get better and better each year! Once again a loyal group of dedicated volunteers turned out to make … [Read more...]