Communication Committee Seashore News Staff The primary purpose of the Communication Committee is to edit and circulate a monthly newsletter, the Seashore News, as a means of keeping residents well informed of community activities, both recreational and administrative, and to encourage active participation in such … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: May 2023 News
New Residents—Welcome! The Communication Committee would like to say hello and provide some friendly tips on ways to enjoy this great community, so be sure to fill out the “New Resident” form in your Welcome Packet and let us know you are here. Your Voice Matters—Do you have an idea that would benefit our Niguel Shores community? There are several … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: April 2023
Going for 100—Thanks to the Men’s Club for inviting our Communication Committee to a delicious break- fast last month where we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Seashore News. With our community’s continued interest and support, Seashore News looks forward to 50 more years of publication here in Niguel Shores! Congratulations to Seashore … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: February 2023
The Seashore News celebrates 50 years of publication in Niguel Shores this year (1973-2023), and we’re looking ahead to 50 years more! You can view every issue from all 50 years on the Niguel Shores website at, but during our anniversary year we also are printing some items from our past newsletters for a bit of nostalgia and … [Read more...]
Seashore News: Cheers to 50 Years!
Seashore News 1973-2023 This year the Seashore News is celebrating a Golden Anniversary with 50 years of publication in Niguel Shores! We began in 1973 as a few mimeo-graphed pages put together by John and Beverly Sauer as a means of communication among owners moving into their brand-new homes—and we have evolved over the years into an … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: December 2022
During this time of gratitude, sharing, and celebration, the Seashore News sends a huge “Thank You” to everyone who contributed to this year’s issues. It takes dozens of volunteers to plan, create, and distribute the newsletter each month so we can’t name everyone here, but to single out a few: Our appreciation goes out to the reporters who … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: November 2022 News
Ten Years—Cheers! Special commendations go out to several people who have been mainstays of our newsletter publication for ten years and more. Tim Murphy has kept us informed about traffic and safety issues in the community since 2009—submitting over 150 articles! Karl Kuhn has served in countless capacities, including Sports Editor, Garden Club … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: October 2022
No, Those Magazines Are Not Coming From Us. People have asked about recent magazines and publications they received in their mailbox that seem to represent Niguel Shores, even though these do not really come from our Community Association. You may even have been invited to attend a “Niguel Shores Resident’s Happy Hour” hosted by the publishers of … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: August 2022
In Appreciation Thank you to all our reporters, photographers, editors and distributors for contributing so much to our monthly issues. Your articles, photos and participation are always appreciated and, quite frankly, what make our publication so special. Our sincere thanks go out to Assistant Editor Mike Harrod for his ten-plus years … [Read more...]
Communication Committee: Outside Publications Using The Niguel Shores Name
Outside Publications Using The Niguel Shores Name Some people have inquired about receiving brochures and magazines in the mail that reference Niguel Shores. We want to clarify that these are advertising publications that have absolutely no official affiliation with the Niguel Shores Community Association, the NSCA Communication Committee, or the … [Read more...]
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