Women’s Club Luncheon: February 9, 2023 at 12:00 in the Clubhouse

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast;it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong- doing, but rejoices with the truth.” —1 Corinthians 13:4-8 As Valentine’s Day approaches, we may be prompted to think of “love” in its many meanings and forms. Love … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: January 2023 News

Cheers to everyone who attended, decorated, bar- tended, and donated toys at the December Holiday Party jointly sponsored by the Women’s and Men’s Clubs. It was a greatly attended event full of laughter, joy, and the festive spirits of our community friends. A record-breaking attendance! Never have we had such a turnout, plus all the delicious and … [Read more...]

Men’s & Women’s Club: December 2022 w/ Holiday Party Photos

Men's Club Update - December 2022 November Review—November was a good month for the Men’s Club. On November 1, we were lucky to hear from several local political candidates seeking our support in the soon-to-follow election. The candidates even joined us for a tasty breakfast. I cannot think of another venue in which that kind of close … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: December 2022

Holiday Party Coming Up “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” as we enter the Christmas and Hanukkah traditional holidays, a time to enjoy friends and family. We begin the season with our Niguel Shores’ Women’s and Men’s Club Holiday Party on Thursday, December 8 from 5 to 8 p.m. We are holding our fabulous party in the Clubhouse amid the … [Read more...]

Women’s Club November 2022: Luncheon Photo Gallery

  In this busy month of November, we give a blessed THANKS for so much in our lives. This month brings California’s General Election on November 8—a time where we have the constitutional freedom to stand up and submit our votes. It is also the month to remember our Veterans on November 11. The Niguel Shores Women’s Club will honor our … [Read more...]

Women’s Club Luncheon: October Photo Gallery

The new season for Niguel Shores Women’s Club began with our September luncheon meeting. President Sharon Stewart introduced committee chairs, announced birthdays, and greeted new members and guests. A special thank you went to Linda Curie, the artist who created the cover for our Membership Directory, which is now available. Anne Wilke, from … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: September 2022 Photo Gallery

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Women’s Club Luncheon: September 8, at 12:00 in the Clubhouse

WOMEN’S CLUB HAPPY FALL! As a former educator, I always think of September as an exhilarating time of anticipation full of optimistic plans, detailed schedules, and the wonderful world of children. Although now, the fall school season has evolved to school beginning in August, and our poor babies have had a month of summer fun taken … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: August 2022

4th of July Reflection What a strange 4th of July this was for me as I sat on a Hawaiian Airlines flight to Maui. I missed the entourage of patriotic events happening throughout the day in Niguel Shores, but my granddaughters, Makayla and Madison, thoroughly enjoyed the pancake breakfast, golf cart parade, gourmet hotdog lunch, beach, barbecue, … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: July 2022

"The secret, Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It’s then, only then, that you’ll find Wonderland." Tea in Wonderland—Surrounded by “people who make your heart smile,” our Madhatter’s June Tea Party was certainly one of the best events this year! We were all “mad” about the outrageous decor, untraditional iced … [Read more...]