Garden Club: July 2024

Special Congratulations! The Garden Club’s honorary life member Ruthy Stahl turned 106 years old on June 15. Ruthy is one of the club’s original founders, and attended for more than twenty years. The Garden Club donated money to the Penny Pines Reforestation Project in Cleveland National Forest in Ruthy’s honor. Our Garden Club meeting in June … [Read more...]

Garden Club: June 2024 News

Our Garden Club meeting in May featured a presentation by Adam Armit, CSO from Harvest and a Master Gardener. His presentation focused on small space and container gardening. All members are welcome to attend the Orange County District Meeting at Sherman Gardens on June 10. Contact Sandi or Janice if interested in attending. Monday, June 17, … [Read more...]

Garden Club: May 2024

Our April meeting featured a presentation by our 2023 Garden Club Scholarship recipient, Linda Cessna, who is studying Horticulture and Landscape Design at Saddle- back College. The club also made an excursion to the Garden of Launa Gould in San Clemente. Launa is the Orange County CGCI district director and parliamentarian for the San Clemente … [Read more...]

Garden Club: April 2024

It’s been an especially busy time for the Garden Club! Our March speaker was Cassie Jarold-Jones of Wildflower Florist. Her demonstration of flower arranging was artful and interesting, and we raffled off her beautiful floral creations. Interested club members also participated in a guided tour of Casa Romantica in San Clemente, followed by lunch … [Read more...]

Garden Club Plant Sale: March 23, 2024 in the Clubhouse

Garden Club Plant Sale SATURDAY, MARCH 23 9 a.m. to 12 noon—Niguel Shores Clubhouse Come and see the beautiful plants from our sponsoring local nurseries: Dana Point Nursery Harvest Landscaping Plant Depot Seaside Nursery Laguna Beach Nursery You’ll find plants and cuttings from our members’ gardens, plus other garden-related items, … [Read more...]

Women’s Club: March 2024 News

The Niguel Shores Women’s Club welcomed guest speaker Katrina Foley, Orange County Supervisor, at their February meeting. Supervisor Foley updated attendees on issues facing the County and ways in which the issues are being addressed. She shared information and timelines for the revetment project at Strands Beach and the Harbor Revitalization … [Read more...]

Garden Club: February 2024

This month, the Garden Club will be meeting on the second Monday, February 12, from 11:00 to 12:30, in the Clubhouse. The topic will be Roses 101. Our speaker will be Kathy Monge, a Senior Master Rosarian. She is a volunteer from the University of California Orange County Master Gardeners. She will cover the basics of rose selection, planting, … [Read more...]

Garden Club: January 2024

The Garden Club hosted several special events this fall. In November, we made “Forget Me Nots” which were distributed to senior citizens participating in the Meals on Wheels program. Many thanks to Francine Stout and Chris Daley for chairing this fun and thoughtful event.  In December, we celebrated the season at our annual Holiday Party, … [Read more...]

Garden Club News: December 2023

The Garden Club held its annual Lobster Fest in October, with 56 attendees. It was a huge success thanks to co-chairs Suzanne Enis and Al Glatt and all the amazing volunteers! The evening began with scrumptious hors d’ oeuvres and wine, followed by a delicious dinner of fresh local lobster (caught the day before), corn on the cob, homemade … [Read more...]

Garden Club: November 2023 Update

This month’s meeting will be Monday, November 20, at 11 a.m. in the Clubhouse. Two of our members, Fran- cine Stout and Chris Daley, will guide us in making holiday ornaments using Tillandsia (air plants), pinecones, shells, and Spanish moss. We are hosting a Community Service Project named Forget-Me-Not. Forget-Me- Nots are flowers symbolic of … [Read more...]