February was another fantastic month for the Niguel Shores Men’s Club, featuring two outstanding speakers. Todd Morehead of Grafted Ministries delivered an insightful presentation on his experiences in Israel and the ongoing complexities of the region. His first- hand accounts and thought-provoking perspectives provided a deeper understanding of the cultural and political dynamics shaping the area.
Our second speaker, Tony Strickland, the Republican candidate for the California State Senate, shared his vision for California, discussing key issues affecting our state and his plans for addressing them. His visit offered a valuable opportunity for members to engage with a candidate seeking to represent our community.
Looking ahead, we have an exciting lineup of speakers in March and April:
■ March 4 Breakfast, 8 a.m. Margi and Eric Eckes will share their recent diving adventures, showcasing breathtaking underwater photography from oceanic destinations, including Tonga, Moorea, Indonesia, and Dominica, as well as coastal Argentina.
■ March 18 Breakfast, 8 a.m. Dana Point City Coun- cilman and Men’s Club member John Gabbard will provide an update on current city affairs.
■ April 1 Breakfast, 8 a.m. Milton Neira from the Orange County Fire Authority will discuss fire safety and emergency preparedness.
■ April 15 Evening, 6 p.m. Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley will join us for an engaging discussion on county initiatives and issues.
Lastly, a reminder to all Niguel Shores residents: Our Men’s Club Scholarship Program is open to graduating high school seniors residing in our community. For an application or more information, please contact me at john@johnyocca.com.
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meetings!
—John Yocca
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