“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
The Garden Club will meet on February 10 (2nd Monday) at 11:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse. Our speaker will be Rex Yarwood of Dana Point Nursery with a presentation on how to prepare your garden for spring and what is new for spring.
Next month, we have a workshop on Thursday, March 20 at 1:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Suzanne Enis will show us how to make a mini Niguel Shores wooden bench (5 ½“ x 3 ½” x 7”) adorned with moss and succulent cuttings. The cost will be $10.00 to cover all materials. Club members interested in making a bench can leave cash or a check made out to Suzanne Enis in the office Garden Club folder by March 17.
We always welcome new members to the Garden Club. Membership is open to all residents of Niguel Shores. You do not need to be a gardening expert to join. Our meetings are varied and may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden related projects or a field trip. Refreshments are served at each meeting. Dues are $25 per person per year, and $5 per guest visit. To join, sign-up forms are in the Niguel Shores office.
Please contact Sandi Stauffer at sandistauffer@comcast.net with any questions. We hope that you will join us.
—Judi Palladino
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