Men’s Club Oktoberfest: October 12, 2024 Photo Gallery

The Men’s Club met twice in September, once in the morning and once in the evening, as has been our recent practice, trying to see if an evening meeting would draw more community interest and perhaps attract new members.

We certainly had some very successful and well-attended evening events, including our second September meet. The Club’s Board and membership will have lots of data to consider when the time comes to do so.
Since we are in the election season, it is no surprise both September meetings featured candidates for important elective offices. First, on September 3, we heard from Chris Duncan, former mayor of San Clemente, After a distinguished academic career that culminated in prestigious law degrees, Chris answered the call to public service, spending over sixteen years as a federal prosecutor, often in “garden spots” like Laredo, Texas. He eventually ended up out west in San Diego and parts north – as far north as San Clemente. Chris, his wife, and kids liked what they saw and settled here for good. Chris has a successful law practice when he is not engaged in government, but he wants to get involved at the state level because he believes that is where the most difference can be made. Chris says he will enforce tougher gun safety laws, fully fund police and effective homeless solutions, lower middle-class taxes, and support women’s reproductive rights. He’s going to be busy. Chris held the crowd’s attention, fielded many questions, and enjoyed applause at the end.

The evening meeting on September 17 was a lively affair since it included the more refined and stylish members of the community, that is the ladies. All present were interested in hearing what prominent local business leader and Congressional candidate Matt Gunderson had to say about his contest with the incumbent Congressman Mike Levin, who had spoken to the Men’s Club at a similar evening event in July. Matt came to this area twenty-five years ago from Wisconsin. He has started three successful auto dealerships “from scratch,” creating many jobs in the OC, all while raising a family with his wife in Ladera Ranch. Eventually, as time permitted, Matt got involved in local Republican politics. His run for the 49th Congressional District is not his first election contest. Matt views his opponent as a gentle- man, but hard left in his beliefs. Matt portrays himself as a more conventional centrist, a straight shooter. Matt fielded many questions from the attentive audience. He seemed to elicit a very positive reaction from the crowd, who enjoyed his open, straightforward manner. Matt received an enthusiastic round of applause at the close of his remarks.

Onward and upward. Next on the Men’s Club Agenda is our first meeting of October at 8:00 a.m. on the morning of October 1, when California state Assemblywoman Laurie Davies will be our guest speaker. Following soon after, Saturday, October 12 to be exact, the Club’s big OKTO- BERFEST EVENT, is coming right up. We hope to see you soon at a Men’s club event.

—Tim Moore