Garden Club: October 2024 News

Poisonous Plants!—Some poisonous plants can be dangerous to touch: poison ivy, oak, and sumac. Others can be poisonous to eat: certain wild berries, mushrooms, and rhu- barb leaves. There are “beautiful“ poisonous plants that are toxic to us or our pets: oleander, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, and daffodils. The deadly nightshade is infamous. Water hemlock is one of the most toxic plants in North America.

At our next meeting on Monday, October 21, at 11:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse, our speaker, Linda Badillo, will speak about poisonous plants. Her presentation will be filled with surprises, death and mayhem – a good time for all! There will be a drawing for a gift basket, plus gifts for everyone.

Medicinal Herbs—Our September meeting featured Florence LeFranc, a certified medicinal herbalist and certified nutrition therapist. She talked about the common herbs we can grow in our garden, and how to use them. She reviewed their medicinal properties, the different ways of using herbs daily, such as additions to food, brewed as tea, or skin ointments. She also discussed the quality of herbs and how to choose them. Several members went home with attendance prizes of potted herbs donated by Dana Point Nursery and a succulent garden from Marietta Hannigan and Suzanne Enis.

Lobster Fest—October is also our Lobster Fest month. On October 17, the club will be hosting a delicious feast of fresh lobster for its members. It is not too late to join and enjoy the upcoming event!

Membership—The Garden Club continues to welcome new members. Membership is open to all residents of Niguel Shores. You do not need to be a gardening expert to join. Our meetings are varied and may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden-related projects or a field trip. Refresh- ments are served at each meeting. Dues are $25 per person per year, and $5 per guest visit. To join, sign-up forms are in the Niguel Shores office. Any membership questions, call or
text Sandi at (253) 290-0471.

—Judi Palladino