Men’s Club: July 2024

June was busy for the Men’s Club with meetings, activities, and prepping for the big July 4th Pancake Breakfast. We’re guessing more than 450 of our friends, family, and neighbors will be joining us for a fresh hot breakfast on Independence Day and we are looking forward to it. Please come join us. And don’t worry about where we are going to find enough fresh buttermilk for 500 pancakes. Let us worry about that.
Scan the QR here to purchase your Pancake Breakfast tickets ahead of time. At our June 4 meeting, after a fine breakfast, we heard about Mission Providence Hospitals in Mission Viejo and Laguna Beach from two of Mission’s senior executives, Austine Duru and Stephanie Krogius. Mr. Duru gave the early history of the Sisters of Providence. Those nuns’ pioneer spirit lives on in the work being done today in Orange County. Ms. Krogius was equally engaging as she spoke about the building plans and leading-edge science going on right here in OC, where one of only-eight-in- the-world machines operates daily to destroy cancerous tumors with sound waves only, no surgery involved. How about that?
Our June 18 meeting was an evening event with plenty of snacks and some adult beverages. At 5 p.m. Geoff Dunlevie began by introducing outgoing General Manager Marla Miller who expressed how much she enjoyed her almost eleven years here, and that Niguel Shores is truly a “Community.” Thanks for your good work, Marla. We all wish you well.
Next, John Yocca introduced Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, an imposing figure and an impressive speaker who is justifiably proud of the fine work the OC Sheriff’s Department does, especially in contrast to other law enforcement agencies in California and the rest of the country. Sheriff Left to right: San Francisco Police Lieutenant Heinz Hofmann (ret), Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, NSMC President Geoff Dunlevie, NSMC Vice President John Yocca.
Barnes spoke with clarity and humor and then took questions from the audience. Sheriff Barnes stated that South Orange County as a region is the safest area in the Nation. Something he and his fully-staffed department are very proud of.
Our next meeting will be July 2 at the regular 0800 start time. If you volunteered to work the July 4th Breakfast, plan on attending the July 2 meeting for assignment details. See you there.

—Tim Moore