Special Congratulations! The Garden Club’s honorary life member Ruthy Stahl turned 106 years old on June 15. Ruthy is one of the club’s original founders, and attended for more than twenty years. The Garden Club donated money to the Penny Pines Reforestation Project in Cleveland National Forest in Ruthy’s honor.
Our Garden Club meeting in June was our Annual Gar- den Club BBQ at the Bluff when we celebrated with fellow gardeners another season of learning, working together, and nurturing our earth. New officers and committee chairpersons were introduced and installed: Sandi Stauffer, President; Janice Stauffer, Vice President and Treasurer; Martha Burns, Secretary; Marietta Hannigan, Member- ship; Judi Palladino Seashore News; and Suzanne Enis Hos- pitality. Also attending were this year’s scholarship recipient, Christine Villa, a student at Saddleback College studying sustainable horticulture and landscape design, and our retiring General Manager Marla Miller, who received a special garden-inspired thank you gift created by Suzanne Enis.
Breaking News! For the first time ever, the Garden Club will have a decorated golf cart at this year’s July 4th Parade!
Members are encouraged to renew their membership of $25 per year, payable now. August 1 is the deadline to be included in next year’s Directory. Garden Club membership is open to all residents of Niguel Shores. You do not need to be a gardening expert to join. Our meetings may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden related projects or a field trip. Refreshments are served at each meeting. Dues are $25 per person per year, and $5 per guest visit. Sign-up forms are in the Niguel Shores office.
—Judi Palladino
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