News Delivery—Are you receiving your Seashore News? We have a team of volunteers who gather to insert the flyers, count out copies for your neighborhood, and deliver the news to you at the beginning of the month. Let us know if your issue goes missing. Remember, you can always pick up a copy in the office if needed. You can also view the entire issue online at, all in color and with links to resources mentioned in the articles.
Whether you view our newsletter in print or online, we hope to keep you connected to all that is happening in our community.
New Residents—We like to welcome our new residents. There’s a New Homeowner form on the website at, and also a form in the Homeowner Packet you received when registering in the Office. Drop off the form in the Office and someone from the Communication Committee will be in touch.
Share Your Niguel Shores History—The Communication Committee hopes to create a history of Niguel Shores for our community website. If you have photos or memories of groups and activities from the past 50 years, please contact us. We will scan your items and return them to you. Call
Sandy Homicz at (949) 218-6488 or send a message by email to
Thanks to Joan Beyer for sharing her collection of Women’s Golf memorabilia, and to Susan Courtney for her continuing research and reporting on the different home developments that make up the Shores.
—Communication Committee