Garden Club: January 2024

The Garden Club hosted several special events this fall. In November, we made “Forget Me Nots” which were distributed to senior citizens participating in the Meals on Wheels program. Many thanks to Francine Stout and Chris Daley for chairing this fun and thoughtful event. 

In December, we celebrated the season at our annual Holiday Party, exchanging gar- den related gifts. The clubhouse was beautifully decorated by Suzanne Enis. Many thanks to the wonderful party volunteers: Nadine Allen, Janice Stauffer, Joan Beyer, Catherine Bitran, Bob and Betty French, and Margi and Eric Eckes. Also, a big thank you to the members for the delicious assortment of appetizers, salads, and desserts.

On January 15, from 11:00 to 12:30 in the Clubhouse, we will have a presentation by Alan Berry, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Mission Viejo. Alan, a retired engineer and educator, along with his wife, Maggie, moved to Mission Viejo 26 years ago and became enthralled with the variety of birds they found in their yard. Wild Birds Unlimited became their bird feeding resource. After several years as cus- tomers, they bought the franchise in 2014 from the original owner.

Alan’s presentation is “The Joy of Bird Feeding.” He will be speaking about the various aspects of the hobby, focusing on the actions you can take in your own yard to attract our local birds!

As we begin the new year, the Garden Club continues to welcome new members. Membership is open to all resi- dents of Niguel Shores. You do not need to be a gardening expert to join. Our meetings are varied and may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden related projects or a field trip. Refreshments are served at each meeting. Dues are $20 per person per year, and $5 per guest visit. To join, sign-up forms are in the Niguel Shores Office.
Please contact Sandi Stauffer at sandistauffer@com- with any questions. We hope that you will join us.

—Judi Palladino