This month, the Garden Club will be meeting on the second Monday, February 12, from 11:00 to 12:30, in the Clubhouse. The topic will be Roses
101. Our speaker will be Kathy Monge, a Senior Master Rosarian. She is a volunteer from the University of California Orange County Master Gardeners. She will cover the basics of rose selection, planting, fertilizing, pruning, and pest management, and will be available to answer questions surrounding rose issues.
Roses are probably one of the oldest flowers. According to fossil evidence, roses are 35 million years old. They are thought to have first been cultivated in China, where they were grown in the imperial gardens of the Chou dynasty as described by Confucius (551-479 BC). Many of the cultivated roses we grow today are hybrids and selections from species native to China.
They carry meanings beyond their beauty. For example, true love (red), mystery (blue), innocence or purity (white), friendship (yellow), passion (orange), and death (black). The custom of giving flowers, especially roses, on Valentines Day began with the Victorians in the early 19th century when rose bouquets became linked to romance.
There was a very positive response to our January speaker, Alan Berry, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Mission Viejo. His pre- sentation was very informative on our area’s birds, their habi- tats, favorite plants, foods, and feeders.
The Garden Club continues to welcome new members. Membership is open to all residents of Niguel Shores. You do not need to be a gardening expert to join. Our meetings are varied and may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden related projects or a field trip. Refreshments are served at each meeting. Dues are $20 per person per year, and $5 per guest visit. Sign-up forms are in the Niguel Shores office. Please contact Sandi Stauffer at with any questions. We hope that you will join us.
—Judi Palladino