The Garden Club has a new slate of officers for the coming 2023-24 year:
Sandi & Janice Stauffer – Co-Presidents
Suzanne Enis – Vice-President
Martha Burns – Secretary
Robbie Wollin & Bill Imbriale – Co-Treasurers
Susan Courtney – Membership
The Club takes a summer break in July and August. We will begin meeting again this September. Our meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 11 am, in the Clubhouse, unless otherwise stipulated.
Niguel Shores residents are welcome to join. Yo do not need to be a gardening expert. Members share a love of gardening and gardens in general, large or small. Most members are interested in learning new tips and improving their own home gardens.
Meetings are varied and may comprise a speaker, workshop, garden-related projects or a field trip. Refreshments are served at each meeting. Dues are $20 per person. To join, sign-up forms are in the NSCA Office. Those who join each year before August 1 are included in the current Garden Club Directory.
We hope you will join us at our first meeting this September!
—Judi Palladino
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