Maintenance Committee: April 2023

The calendar says it is spring, but who knows what our crazy weather will be this month. Nevertheless, the Maintenance Team is starting spring cleaning in preparation for residents to get out and enjoy our wonderful community no matter the weather.
Pool/Spa Closure is scheduled for April 24 to May 5. This will be for the semi-annual maintenance of the pool water and system. The pool will again be treated to eradicate black algae, which sounds scary but is more of an eye sore and something we have to treat on an ongoing basis. Then most of the old water will be removed and replaced with fresh water. Schedul- ing for this period was based on testing the pool water and per history, that the pool water is “tired” and needs to be replen- ished. To delay this maintenance causes harm to the pool plas- ter and heaters which could lead to extensive costly repairs. The pool tells us when to replenish, plus or minus a few weeks. This closure has been planned around the Capistrano Unified School District spring recess break (April 4 to 7) and Easter Sunday (April 9) to minimize inconvenience to all residents.

Street Project 2023— Streets affected for asphalt overlay are Niguel Shores Drive from PCH Bridge to Stonehill, Verrazanno Bay, Tampico Bay, Sidney Bay, Montego Bay, Brisbane Bay and Perth Bay.
There may be other isolated areas of repair. Soon plans will be developed to solicit bids. Once the Board of Direc- tors selects the winning bidder, then the street project will be scheduled, possibly this summer. More updates to follow.
Have a wonderful April and hopefully enjoy some…hmmm …what do they call that thing in the sky? Oh yes. Sun.

—Geoff Dunlevie
