Hopefully, we close the year with a cheer and a good safety report. One tool often used to measure the effectiveness of a safety and crime prevention program is the absence of targeted crime, such as car break-
ins. Last year we were quite successful as we experienced no reported burglaries or thefts from parked cars. This year there is a good chance we will do just as well.
The patrol service came up with a catchy phrase: “Lock it or Lose it,” and we amplified this message by advising everyone not to leave any valuables in an unattended car at any time. This concept was effective in emphasizing the seriousness of the threat posed by thieves.
Many techniques to combat burglars come from neighborhoods where fixing a broken window is a matter of pride and, on cold winter nights, a necessity. Our anti-burglary program focuses on intelligent landscaping, a clear view of windows and doors, and the importance of securing the garage so as not to tempt opportunists. Every successful anti-burglary program depends on neighbors looking out for each other.
Hopefully, we will stay alert and finish another year as a crime-free community. If we are successful, we can continue preventing crime for many more years.
Nolliag Shona!
—God Bless . . . Tim Murphy