Recreation Amenities Committee: December 2022 Update

As 2022 comes to an end, we are reminded of the accomplishments this past year. The Recreation Amenities Enhancement Project was a vision in 2019. Today, the enhancements are actually happening!
A special thank you to the project team for working diligently. The committee, along with the NSCA Board, are committed to completing the project in 2023. They continue to work on design reviews, and contract budgeting and scheduling.

In November, RRM was selected as the engineering contractor for this project. Over the next four months, engineering design drawings will be produced to obtain the necessary city permits and construction bids. Their subcontractor, KDM, started surveying the area in November using a drone for the topographic survey. The drones generate high-resolution and detailed 3D models, accurate to 2-3 cm horizontally and 5-6 cm vertically.

We want to thank you for submitting your assessment payments in a timely manner. 
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season. Stay safe
and make memories!

—Debi Berk
