Take a Trip – We have a range of field trips for Garden Club members this November. Join us on Tuesday, November 1 for a “Birds, Bees & Butterflies Garden Tour” on the grounds of the Ritz-Carlton Resort. The one-hour tour starts at 11 a.m. with a presentation from one of the hotel’s naturalists. Please wear comfortable shoes. The Ritz-Carlton boasts an Eco-Adventure Center that aims to inspire guests and visitors with Southern California’s unique ecosystems, using the local surroundings as a natural classroom and living laboratory. We are fortunate to have this eco-aware resort as a neighbor. Members may want to stay after the tour for lunch on your own at one of the restaurants on the property.
Other potential field trips are to Roger’s Gardens in Costa Mesa, and to Weidner’s Gardens in Encinitas for a poinsettia greenhouse tour. Members will be emailed the details of these upcoming
events, including dates, times, and meeting locations.
Looking Back – Members and their guests enjoyed the return of our popular Lobster Fest last month. Thanks to able co-chairs Al Glatt and Suzanne Enis, and to all their helpers, we were treated to cocktail hour at 5 p.m. followed by delicious fare comprising grilled local spiny lobsters, potato salad, coleslaw, corn- on-the-cob, bread rolls and a small sweet dessert. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this event a success.
Looking Ahead – Autumn, or fall, brings shorter days, colorful chrysanthemums and pumpkins, followed by poinsettias in shades of red, pink, salmon, coral, and white. Fall’s a good time to mulch plants to help control soil temperature and retain moisture. It’s also a great time to do some weeding and fertilize your garden ahead of winter.
Remembering a Friend – We wish to express our great sadness at the passing of Chris Beaver, a longtime and much- loved member of the Garden Club. Our thoughts and con- dolences are with her family. The Garden Club has donated toward the Penny Pines Reforestation Project in Cleveland National Forest in Chris Beaver’s honor.
—Ann Strauss