Communication Committee: November 2022 News

Ten Years—Cheers!
Special commendations go out to several people who have been mainstays of our newsletter publication for ten years and more. Tim Murphy has kept us informed about traffic and safety issues in the community since 2009—submitting over 150 articles! Karl Kuhn has served in countless capacities, including Sports Editor, Garden Club reporter, special feature writer, and General Editor of Seashore News. Since 2010 (and still going full steam) Patti Staudenbaur has contributed feature articles, reported on our committee and website activities, interviewed and written “Meet Your Neighbor” articles, served as Assistant Editor, and been our liveliest news gatherer. Mike Harrod recently moved to a new community, but previous served as Assistant Editor and Distribution Chair for over ten years. Sharon Stewart began her Wellness column back in 2010, and now (more than 100 articles later) she still brings us monthly inspiration for staying healthy in body, mind, spirit. Mary Crowl, former Seashore News Editor responsible for bringing us into the computer age, remains our advisor a to this day and comes to visit here regularly. Seashore News a sends deep appreciation to these longtime loyal contributors and to all past and present reporters whose articles add so much b to inform, entertain, and energize Niguel Shores. 

Count, Bag, Deliver—After the Seashore News is printed by Dana Point Minuteman Press, a group of volunteers goes to work inserting flyers, counting copies, and putting them into bags for delivery by our residents to homes on every
We can always use a few more helping hands, so if you can spare an hour the last week of each month, contact and come join the group.

—The Communication Committee
