We begin the year with the classic novel No Name by Wilkie Collins. First published in 1862, it was “condemned by Victorian critics as immoral, but regarded today as a novel of outstanding social insight. No Name shows William Wilkie Collins at the height of his literaryers. It is the story of two sisters, Magdalen and Norah, who discover after the deaths of their dearly beloved parents that their parents were not married at the time of their births. Disinherited and ousted from their estate, they must fend for themselves and either resign themselves to their fate or deter- mine to recover their wealth by whatever means.” Charles Dickens was a friend and mentor of Collins and they collabo- rated on several works of drama and fiction. Today Collins is best known for The Moonstone (1868), often regarded as the first true detective novel, and The Woman in White (1860), “the archetypal sensation novel.”
Page Turners consists of three groups: One meets in member homes on the fourth Monday afternoon of the month, and the two others usually meet at the Clubhouse on the fourth Thursday afternoon of the month. If you would like to visit any of the groups to see if you want to get involved, you can contact Steve and Ann Morris regarding the Thursday groups at or for the Monday
group contact me at
—Frances Ozimec