October is one of my favorite times of the year for so many reasons: Looking back, for 46 years Mike and I celebrated our anniversary; our daughter, Becky, was also married in October, 15 years ago; memories of living among the vivid fall colors in Sudbury (MA), Wilmette (Ill), and Novato (CA);fun with our children on Halloween; cool evenings; donning sweaters—and looking forward to the Women’s Club October Meeting with its delicious salad bar, interesting speaker, and decorated tables where members dine, chat, share, and listen! Last month was a busy one for the Women’s Club, starting September 9 with our “Welcome Back” Luncheon. We welcomed a large group of new members, announced birthdays, and also honored member Sandy Homicz as NSCA 2020 Volunteer of the Year for her work as editor of the Seashore News. In addition, I don’t know what we would do without her help as our club Communication Chair and creator of the monthly luncheon invitations!
Our delightful September speaker was educator, filmmaker and author Pam Roy, who shared insights related to parenting, education and fostering career opportunities through mentorship in the community. For details from Pam’s talk, you can visit pamroyblog.com. Four lucky members won copies of Pam’s book The Inspiring Wisdom of Victor E. Frankl in the raffle.
We also distributed our 2021-2022 Membership Directories. If you did not attend the meeting, you may pick up your copy at the October meeting. Directories are not mailed out. Many thanks to Judi Palladino for her efforts putting Pam Roy together the Directory, and to Linda Curie for the beautiful artwork on the cover. We enjoyed another Happy Hour at the Bluff in September as we greeted fall with old and new friends.
Our speaker at the October 14 Luncheon Meeting will be Men’s Club President John Yocca. He will present valuable information about cyberspace security. Prior to his real estate profession, he served as the CEO of Central Communications Corp, a telecommunications firm with offices and staff in four states. While at the helm of this company he oversaw their Corporate Network Security Plan to include Security Infrastructure, Data Security, Mobile Security, Cloud Security and Risk Management. John will tell us about the cyber risks we face daily and best practices to avoid becoming a target of cyber thieves. Watch for your email invitation and be sure to reply so we can save a place for you at this important talk.
Traditionally, we get into the spirit of Halloween and wear orange and black colors or costumes to the October meeting. Let’s have fun and dress creatively! Remember, if you were not asked to bring your favorite salad last month, we’ll send out a reminder for you to bring one to this month’s meeting. Yummy, yummy!
Please check the announcement below for details about our Outside Activity for October to the Aliso Viejo Wilderness Park.
If you have Shores friends who might like to visit our club as your guest, please let us know at least one week before our next meeting. Contact Membership Chairs\ Judi Palladino, twopalls@yahoo.com or Jennifer Paige, jenopaige@gmail.com and we’ll have a name tag ready for them. We would love to hear from any female resident wanting to learn about our fun and friendly group!
—Terry Link