Traffic and Safety Committee: October 2020

Guest Lists—The summer season has passed, fall is here, and many folks (and stores) are already starting to prepare for the upcoming winter Holi- days. While we still have the time, this is a good opportunity for each of us to examine and, if necessary, update our ever-changing guest lists. This simple action may well preclude a lot of frustration during busy times at the gate.
Political Signs—Our rules and regulation allow for political signs on our private property during the campaign period. However, there is a proviso that they be removed as soon as the election is over. A single flag is permitted, but it must be attached to either the house or fence (Rules and Regulations, Modification Restrictions).
With the current COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest, along with a contentious presidential race, some emotions are likely to run higher than they have been. In fact, members of our community have already experienced several acts of vandalism and theft of political signage. Hopefully, there was no malicious intention to these crimes. I am confident that as a group we will continue to respect each other and appreciate everyone’s right to express their support for their favorite candidate.
As a last reminder, stealing a sign or maliciously dam- aging someone’s sign or flag are normally misdemeanor crimes and can result in a police record.

—God Bless . . . Tim Murphy
