Tuesday – April 28, 2020 – Community Update

To all Niguel Shores Community Association Residents:

Use of Community Facilities

We have been receiving questions about when we will reopen community facilities.  We will follow local and state government and health officials guidelines regarding reopening of the Niguel Shores facilities just like we followed government guidelines when we closed our facilities.  Safety and health of our residents and guests will be our primary concern.  Thanks, in advance, for your patience and cooperation as we move forward.  We will keep you posted thru the NSCA website www.niguelshores.org and community bulletin boards with new developments as they occur.


The May Seashore News will, again, be available only online.  There will be no print copies for distribution.  The May newsletter will be posted on the NSCA website at www.niguelshores.org on or before May 1st.

Guest Vehicles

As stated in a previous email, please advise all guest, even if they have a guest barcode, that they will need to park near your property or they will get towed.

Management Office

For the safety and health of residents and staff please adhere to the following:

  1. Please wear a mask if you come to the office. No one will be allowed in the office without wearing a mask.
  2. Appointments are required! Do not come to the door and bang on it, you may be turned away. Do not think you can just stand outside and call on your cell phone, you don’t know what appointment may be coming in the next few moments that has courteously made an appointment in advance. Above all DO NOT GET MAD at staff for asking you to make an appointment.
  3. Call 949-493-0122 or email (below) to set up an appointment or if you have any questions.

Blayke Miller – bmiller@niguelshores.org

Matt Northrop – mnorthrop@niguelshores.org

Karen Decker – kdecker@niguelshores.org

Marla Miller – mmiller@niguelshores.org

Thank you in advance for your consideration and understanding.
