At this time there are no meetings planned for May.
However, we have a strong cadre of speakers lined up for when we do restore our meetings. The first six subjects planned will be the following, in no particular order:
■ Life in South Africa presented by a South African now living the U.S.
■ Voyaging history of the Polynesian people who incred- ibly sailed all over the South Seas in small outrigger canoes to populate the vast area,
■ Hollywood homes of the stars with details and photos.
■ Mutual funds vs. straight stocks vs. fixed income, with strengths and weaknesses of each. This will be pre- sented by a panel of four principals from four different investing companies.
■ CEO of a company that provides free law representa- tion for our veterans when they have legal challenges
■ Ideas for finding happiness within this present extreme
organizational and cultural change.
To date, none of these speakers have indicated a change, and they all show
interest in speaking to our much-respected group.
In the meantime, let’s take time for re- flection, for projects,
for learning, and for to go to a store. The website for this is When there, click on any category of clothing. Besides for men, they have clothing for women and kids. No password nonsense is required. Personally, I would do it the easy way by calling (800) 535-3060 for prompt, friendly assistance.
Hopefully, soon we will be having enjoyable break- fasts by our great cooking teams with friends we have not seen for a while. When you return, please bring a friend and make our special club grow.
—CW Gruenig