Please note: To keep us all healthy and follow com-munity, city and state regulations, we have cancelled all Women’s Club events for April.
As we all face the enormous impact of the coronavirus, we must remember how precious life is and the importance of protecting our health and loved ones. We will temporarily miss the congenial times together, great salads, and infor- mative speakers—but this too shall pass! We know patience is a virtue and we’ll just have to take each month at a time.
Our purpose as a Women’s Club is to promote friend- ship, fun, and service to the community. We want everyone to know that our members are here for you if there is a need during these challenging times. We have a Care and Con- cern Committee to contact if you need day-to-day supplies or assistance. Please call Terry Link at (949) 212-2004 or Jeannie Sticher at (949) 409-1317.
Age Well Senior Services deliver meals to those who are home bound and also offer a shuttle service to doctor appointments for $2 a ride. Their number is (949) 496-4252. Many of our club members are also part of the Shores Angels whose information is on the Niguel Shores website.
On a lighter note, last month our Fashion Show Lun- cheon, “Sailing into Spring,” brought 85 members and guests to the Clubhouse for a dazzling presentation of fashions from Soft Surroundings in the Shops at Mission Viejo. Our members Nadine Allen, Cora Berkery, Diane Dale, Betty French, Anna Kwit, and Sharon Stewart modeled the spring gauze collection of relaxed apparel. The fine designs, quality, style and comfort of the clothing was a joy to observe. Thank you to Hansa Sehgal, chair of the Fashion Show, and to Sally Gorelick, Soft Surroundings commentator, for also sharing fun facts about each of our models. Another round of applause goes to Jeannie Sticher for organizing the boxed lunch orders from Panera Bread, and to Suzanne Enis for the stunning bright blue tablecloths adorned with sailboat centerpieces. This special event cer- tainly takes a village to prepare and coordinate. BRAVO Fashion Show Team!
Our Nominating Committee has submitted the slate of 2020-2021 officers to be voted on in May. The proposed officers are as follows: Co-Presidents, Terry Link and Sha- ron Stewart; Vice President, Catherine Bitran; Treasurer, Cathy Tyson. The Secretary position is still open and the Nominating Committee seeks members who might be inter- ested. At our next meeting, we will have Committee Sign- Ups Sheets for the 2020-2021 Women’s Club year.
Due to the coronavirus challenges, our future scheduled events may be changed or cancelled. Watch your email and the Niguel Shores website for further announcements. Thanks for understanding!
—Terry Link