Men’s Club: April 2020 News

Please note: Men’s Club meetings are cancelled for the month of April.
To recap our previous activities, at our meeting on March 3, members and guests enjoyed a hot breakfast from the Gutknecht Cooking Team featuring a delicious sausage egg dish, fresh fruit, muffin, juice and coffee—an amazing value for $5.
Our speaker was Rosalind Russell, creator and opera- tor of the R Star Foundation. Ms. Russell gave a fasci- nating presentation about her personal experiences helping women and children of earthquake-devastated Nepal. Her organization states that it “serves and educates the isolated and disempowered . . . connecting resources to the neediest people in one of the most remote areas on earth and helping bring about peace.” (
Ms. Russell spoke with sparkle and wit providing cul- tural information about the Far East that, for most of us, was previously unknown.
Nepal, a landlocked country tightly wedged between India and China, is excessively poor. It is barely third world, struggling to get on its feet after the disastrous 2015 earth- quake. Ten thousand were killed, thousands more injured, and it simply knocked the country’s villages flat. Ms. Russell, of Laguna Beach, often goes to Nepal to teach, council, encourage, and raise funds for many projects, including building new homes. She usually lives and works in the wrecked buildings, just as most of the people do.
Unfortunately, our St. Patrick’s Day meeting on March 17 was cancelled, due to caution over the coronavirus. Our speaker, financial advisor James Fullenkamp, will be rescheduled as events regarding the nation’s health unfold.
Due to the coronavirus challenges, our future sched- uled events may have to be changed or cancelled. Watch your email from the Men’s Club and check the Niguel Shores website for further announcements. Thanks for

—C. W. Gruenig
