Really Serious Book Club: Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Goodwin

The Really Serious Book Club met March 20 at the home of Norton Schwartz to discuss The Common Good by Robert Reich. The decline of politicians and business executives in concern for the common good has been evident since the Nixon years to Newt Gingrich down through Donald Trump. We discussed how this trend might be mitigated by early education on civics and values for children and support for lower economic classes in their struggles. Food and housing problems should be high on our list for areas
of improvement.
The next book we review will be Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Goodwin, covering actions and legislation during the terms of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. Mary Crowl will host. Call Norton Schwartz at (949) 481-2459 if you would
like to join us.

—Norton Schwartz
