Really Serious Book Club: Leonardo de Vinci by Walter Isaacson

In July, Mary Crowl hosted the Really Serious Book Club and Priscilla Agnew led the discussion of Leonardo de Vinci by Walter Isaacson. The artist’s life and times, his great paintings, military studies, machine inventions, human body analysis and drawings, water flow, metals analysis and much more flowed from this Renaissance genius. His scientific outreach and personal relations were detailed and related in the book and in our discussion. The period of the Renaissance as reflected in painting, sculpture and military adventures were all discussed. Most in the group have viewed the Mona Lisa personally. Painting styles and other painters of the period were considered.
In our August meeting on the third Wednesday of the month we will discuss State of Resistance—What California’s Resurgence Means for America’s Future, by Manuel Pastor. If you would like to read the book and attend our discussion, call Norton Schwartz at (949) 481-2459.
—Norton Schwartz
