Really Serious Book Club: Everybody Lies— Big Data and How It Can Tell Us Who We Really Are, written by Seth Davidowitz

Mary Crowl hosted the May meeting of the Really Serious Book Club where the members reviewed Everybody Lies—Big Data and How It Can Tell Us Who We Really Are, written by Seth Davidowitz. People may lie when they respond to surveys, but there are ways to analyze attitudes and beliefs through analysis of social media like Facebook and repeated searches on the internet that tell us how Americans really feel about sex, homosexuality, and racial prejudice. There are also analysis techniques to predict winning race horses and political trends. While the members thought the book was thoughtful and intriguing, they concluded that some methods were vulnerable to random correlations.
If you would like to come to one of our book club meetings, contact Norton Schwartz at The June meeting will encounter the book Evicted by Matthew Desmond.
—Norton Schwartz
