Thursday, February 8 found the Clubhouse brilliantly bedecked in bright reds and pinks, from the glittery hearts that decorated the tables to the ladies arrayed in their red outfits, and even many in red hats. It was definitely a Valentine’s luncheon not to be missed. Tablemates shared sentimental valentines and reminisced about first loves and first heartbreaks before serving themselves from the bountiful
salad buffet.
President Lydia Reese introduced new members and guests and followed with a quick rundown of business before turning the podium over to Sandy Homicz who introduced our very special speaker for the day, Beverly Krassner-Bulas. Beverly truly embodies the spirit of love and service to others. As a
young bride in the 1960’s Beverly accompanied her husband to Calcutta, India where he was researching tropical diseases. Unable to put her new nursing degree into practice in India, she began volunteering her services with a relatively obscure nun who was running a convent and orphanage for girls. As it turned out, the nun was the woman we know today as Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Beverly, at age 26, worked under Mother Theresa’s daily supervision with the orphaned girls as well as with those suffering from leprosy and tuberculosis. She shared with us many riveting stories and indelible memories of ministering to the destitute and dying, a small percentage of the one million who bedded down every night on the streets of Calcutta.
After returning to the U.S. Beverly raised two children and worked for 25 years as an R.N. at Hoag Hospital. She currently volunteers with Hospice, Alzheimer’s patients, works in a soup kitchen, delivers food for St. Vincent De Paul, visits Juvenile Hall, is a Master Gardener with U.C. Co-op, is active in U.C. Irvine Town and Gown, the Sea and Sage Audubon Society and National Audubon Society, assists in charities that help the homeless, and is a board member of Women For Orange County. She was recently named 2017 Catholic Woman of the Year for her lifetime of service to faith and community. What an astonishing woman, and how fortunate for us that she was able to share some of her truly amazing life experiences!
Next month our annual Fashion Show will take place on March 8. Mark your calendars so you won’t miss the preview of Spring fashions from Chico’s in San Juan Capistrano. See you then!
—Nadine Allen