The Women’s Club got off to a wonderful start this season. At our September luncheon meeting, a record turnout enjoyed a sumptuous salad buffet prepared by our members. President Lydia Reese welcomed everyone back after the summer break and introduced new members Jeannie Thompson, Tricia Pearson, Geraldine Moyer, Toni Williams, Mary Ellen Hofmann, and Molly Murphy as well as several guests. She also recognized past presidents of the Women’s Club, those celebrating September birthdays, and new committee chairpersons. A brief review of proposed Bylaw changes followed, to be voted upon at the October meeting. Vice President Terry Link presented an overview of the coming year’s programs and activities including the always popular Holiday Party, Fashion Show, Home Tour, and June Tea.
Our guest of honor and speaker for the afternoon was Debra Lewis, Mayor of Dana Point. Debra addressed many issues facing our city at this time, such as the city’s budget, the creation of a task force to address the growing issue of homelessness, and the progress of development in the vicinity of the Post Office building. Debra answered as many questions from her very interested audience as time allowed and stressed her desire that our citizens be pro-active, not reactive, as we design the future of Dana Point.
Meetings of the Women’s Club are held on the second Thursday of each month in the Niguel Shores Clubhouse. A social time starts at 12:00 noon, followed by a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. and a special program. Mark your calendar for this year’s meeting dates: October 12, November 9, December 14 (Holiday Party), January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, and June 14. There are no meetings in July and August.
For our next meeting on October 12, members are encouraged to dress in Halloween colors and costumes if they wish to do so. In the words of our President Lydia, “Anything goes! Witches to Wonder Women will be in attendance.”
—Nadine Allen