Maintenance Committee: New Picnic Tables

Maintenance staff recently installed two redwood picnic tables to supplement the older tables at the Beach Bluff. These have drawn a number of compliments and positive comments from Bluff users. The very first resident claiming a picnic table on July 4th chose one of the two redwood picnic tables.
Forever Redwood, the company making the picnic tables, is currently running a photo contest for customers with a theme emphasizing the Forever Redwood product purchased. The First Prize winner receives a $5,000 credit toward the purchase of anything on the Forever Redwoods website. The Second Prize winner receives a $3,000 credit, and the Third Prize winner receives a $1,000 credit.
Maintenance staff entered the contest for the benefit of NSCA, and the winners will be notified soon. Perhaps we will be double winners by owning the new tables now and receiving credit in the future.
—Bob Gregg
