Property Rental 101: A Landlord’s Guide

Property Rental 101: A Landlord’s Guide

When you own a property in a homeowner’s association you sort of expect that there will be rules.  Of course there will be rules – parking rules, home modification rules, pet rules, and yes even property rental rules.  Under the recently adopted rules (01/01/2017), there was a change regarding property rentals that affects the use of Common Area amenities and access devices for a homeowner that is renting their property.  The following is a brief overview of the change to the rule Tenancy and Property Rental:

  • Any FOB or bar code issued under the homeowner’s account will be suspended during the time that the property is tenant occupied. These devices can be reactivated once the property is no longer being rented. 
  • The homeowner will no longer have access to a guest list or have guest bar codes issued during the time that the property is tenant occupied.
  • The homeowner gives up the right to use the Common Area amenities once the property is rented. This right transfers to the tenant and their guests.
  • The homeowner will be admitted at any time in order to inspect and maintain their property. Likewise the homeowner can call in service providers and contractors.


We understand that this is a departure from what people are used to and as such you may have some questions about this change.  Please feel free to contact the NSCA Management Office for assistance.


“How is my guest supposed to know that?”

“And why am I responsible for what they do?”  Two very good questions.  Although your Association is responsible for various things, the responsibility for making sure that a guest understands the rules of our community is placed on the resident and, more specifically, it is placed on the homeowner.  Please make sure that your guests, service providers, and contractors understand the parking rules and rules for use of the amenities so that their visit here always remains a pleasant one. 

