Emergency Preparedness Committee: Summer Safety Tips

Summer Safety Tips

Seems like summer always jumps out at us and catches us by surprise. Here are a few tips (or MUST do’s) to prepare your family and insure a safe and fun summer.
Kids are either out of school or soon will be. So, let’s all make sure to WATCH OUT for their summer safety by paying attention to the following:
■ Sun screen: infants to older children, make sure they have the proper sun screen protection, hats, and even sun glasses.
■ Water safety: do they have an understanding of both pool and ocean safety and either practice a buddy system, or, are you ever vigilant by ALWAYS watching the little ones in the water and knowing where they are every second?
■ What about HOT CARS? NEVER leave a child in an unattended car while you run into a store for a quick drop-off of dry cleaning, post office, and fast food pickup or even in your own garage. That goes for the family dog, too!
■ What about fireworks? The 4th will soon be here, along with fun, games, the big Niguel Shores parade, AND the beautiful displays of fireworks. OK, so you know where I’m going with this…. PLEASE, don’t let them play with these dangerous temptations. Eyes, fingers, burns, or worse. It happens all the time, but not here in the Shores.
■ Snakes are already out, so don’t get into the brush or wander off the trails. The ER’s are already reporting an increase in bites. And, for you big boys and girls, the golf courses are warning you not to try to find that errant ball that went out of bounds.
■ Bicycles, skate boards, scooters, and even golf carts. WATCH OUT for them on our streets and popping out from behind parked cars or flying out of garages.
You know the drill and the list goes on and on… just be AWARE and PREPARE to have a safe and sane Summer and, sign up for our CPR class
—Kent Wellbrock
