It was another hot day, but a cloud cover stayed in and a nice breeze was with us keeping us fairly cool. Nary a deer crossed our path.The game of the day picked by Captains Barbara Brabeck & Liz Kelsch was SCRAMBLE which is played with teams. (After the drive, each player has to hit every time from the spot where the team’s last ball had landed. Each player’s drive has to be taken as best ball one time.) There were four cancellations due to injuries, but all are resting and recovering. We were left with three teams. A Halloween TREAT was that each team could reduce one score to a par. Winners:
Second place with a score of 36 — Team 1 (Val Mitchell, Barbara Brabeck, & Liz Kelsch)
First place with a score of 34 — Team 2, Marlene Lynch, Julie Patton and Irene McDonald
Closest to the pin on #6 — Julie Patton
Closest to the pin on #8 — Val Mitchell
Longest drive on hole #9 — Julie Patton
Congratulations to Julie Patton, biggest winner of the day! After golf we were joined by one social member, Ruthie Stahl for lunch onthe terrace.
Next Funday is Monday, November 9. Captains are Val Mitchell (582-8311) and Terri Matrisch (443 9985). Please
call one of them to cancel or to be added to the list to play.
Notable Quotes
Babe Ruth: It took me 17 years to get 3,000 hits in baseball. I think I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.
Billy Graham: The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.
—Liz Kelsch, 661-5802