Seal Coat & Rehabilitation Project Map and Schedule
9-30-15 Update: Due to an unforeseen parking issue, the bottom of Niguel Shores Drive and the Beach Bluff parking lot (Red Area on attached map) will be moved to Thursday, October 1st. The street slurry originally schedule for Thursday, October 1st (Purple Area on attached map) has been rescheduled to Wednesday, October 7th. Faeroe Bay, Manta Court, Porto Allegro, Porto Bello, Porto Cristo, Via Capri, Vista Grande are the streets that will now be completed on Wednesday, October 7th. Alternative Parking Areas during this time include: La Cresta, Gourami Bay, Via Del Cielo, Vista D’Oro, Vista D’Onde.
NSCA will be initiating the 2015 street maintenance program this month. The project will start on Monday, September 14, 2015 with asphalt repair in specific areas on the following streets: Manta Court, Via Del Cielo, Vista Grande, Garibaldi, Gourami Bay, Brigantine Drive, Brisbane Bay, Salvador Bay, Abalone Drive, Manta Court entrance and Bluehill Bay. The activity will not require any street closures except for the cul-de-sac at the north end on Manta Court.
The street seal coat activity will start on Wednesday, September 23 and be complete about Friday, October 9, 2015. The street closures (i.e no vehicle access) should not last more than 24 hours. The following developments will be effected: Broadmoor, Sea Terrace I, Villas, Shores Garden, Berkus, Sea Terrace II and Beach Bluff. Each area will be notified with postings in the affected areas at least 24 hours before the closure.
Detailed schedules by street will be posted on the NSCA website as soon as they are available. Please notify any contractors or service personnel that they will not have access to the affected areas during the
street closures.
Watch your mail, email blasts and our website for the up-to-date details! Additional notices will be sent that tell about the closure and is street specific so you can post it as a reminder of what day your street will be closed.
Please be advised that all dumpsters need to be removed from common area streets 24 hours prior to the commencement of seal coat and return not less than 72 hours after completion of the seal coat if seal coating will occur on your street. The project is scheduled for September 23rd thru October 6th rotating throughout the community. The detailed schedule of streets effected is available on .
All vehicles must be removed from streets scheduled for seal coating by 6:30 a.m. the day of the street work. Vehicles left on the street are subject to immediate tow.
As a reminder all dumpsters and/or portable storage containers need authorization from the NSCA Office before brought into Niguel Shores per Rule 3141.4 of the Association’s Rules & Regulations. Applications are available in the NSCA Office or on the NSCA website.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation during this process.