How to Save a Life in 26 Days
In last months issue, we announced another AED/CPR/First Aid class, scheduled for Saturday, September 26 (from 9:00 a.m. to Noon in our clubhouse). This is the third time we have held this certification class for our residents (or friends & family outside the Shores). The first classes got rave reviews for its content and the fact that you can be armed with vital training and know how that could save a life.
If you would like to attend please stop by the office with a check made out to our instructor: Scott Lehnkering, in the amount of $45, to insure your spot in the class. Refunds will be made up to one week prior to the class if you are unable to attend.
Every year around this time who hasn’t said, Where did the summer go? With Labor Day upon us and schools getting started again; let’s remind ourselves of protecting what matters most: OUR KIDS!!! Telling our children to be careful crossing streets, riding their bikes, watching our for strangers, etc. is on thing, BUT we are the one’s that make a difference in their safety.
SOME STARK FACTS: One Million calls to poison centers are made every year about children under 5. 93,000 children under 5 are seen annually in emergency rooms for stair related injuries. Smoke alarms reduce the risk of dying in a home based fire by 50%. Drowning is the #1 cause of death among children ages 1-4.
DO NOT leave your children unattended in bathtubs, around water filled buckets, or wading pools!! Hot bath water causes more than half of all scalds to children. Unfortunately the list goes on.
Protect our children by paying attention to preventive accidents. You might check out a great new website or get the app by going to
—Kent Wellbrock