Women’s Golf – Summer Update

As the major league baseballers were playing their yearly all-star game, we were gathering our all-stars for our 27th annual memorial tournament honoring our friends who are together in Heaven cheering us on. At age 100 Fran King recently joined that group making their number 31.
Our game, arranged by Captains Judy Boitano and Joanne Blanchard, was regular golf with each of us playing our own individual game. It was a challenging and fun time.
The winners were: Marlene Lynch and Val Mitchell, tied at 48. After a card-off, the champion was Marlene Lynch
Other winners:
Longest drive on #9 Kathy Aldrian
Closest to pin on #6 Marlene Lynch
Closest to pin on #8 Judy Boitano
Lowest putts – 16 Mary Lou Shumsky
After the tournament we met at the Fountains, arranged by Joan Beyer and Ruth Stahl at Jo Jackson’s invitation. We had a very lovely luncheon toasting the winners.There were door prizes, and table prizes for all. We were joined by our social members, Ruth Stahl, Chris Beaver, Ceacy Johns, and Joan Beyer and several former members.
Next FunDay is Monday, August 10. Captains are Val Mitchell (582-8311) and India Rouse (248-1336). Please call one of them to be included or to cancel. Did you know? Hazards attract; fairways repel.
Also: There are two things you can learn by stopping your swing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have and which one is wearing the glove.
Heard on the course: We’ve only played three holes and we’ve both already shot our ages.
—Liz Kelsch, 661-5802
