Four strong teams turned out, vying to be the best in a game called Irish Ball, put together by Captains Helena Keeshen and Liz Kelsch. Each team was given a white ball with a shamrock on it. Each team member had to take turns playing with it using only four clubs and not losing it. If it was lost, two points had to be added to the score. The team that returned with the Irish Ball and had the lowest score was the winner. Oh, there were a few tense moments.
The winner turned out to be Team #1 (Val Mitchell, Helena Keeshen, Maria Elena Banks, and Liz Kelsch) with a score of 92, the score of the Irish Ball plus one other team member’s score.
Other winners:
Low gross Kathy Aldrian 45
Low net India Rouse 25
Low putts McDonald & Tuckley 17
Longest drive on 9 Judy Boitano
Closest to pin on 6 Judy Boitano
Closest to pin on 8 Val Mitchell
Next FunDay is Monday, April 13. Captains are Pam Strayer (499-4737) and Brenda Tuckley (249-6912). Please call one of them to cancel or to be added to the game.
“Something to think about: As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round.”
— Liz Kelsch