Held at the home of Curt Swanson on July 16 where the group discussed the book The Golden Shore—California‘s Love Affair with the Sea by David Helvarg.
The discussion was led by Mary Crowl. Some felt the Eastern Coast or the Florida Coast was just as intriguing. But, pride of proximity prevailed and all the varied aspects of our coast, it was decided, were best. Global warming (some didn’t believe in it) and rising ocean water and future effects were considered. One opinion was that we were all too old to worry about it and should just relax and enjoy our “golden years.” Others of us will march and carry signs that read “Not in My Backyard!”
Next meeting on August 20 at the home of Janet Mackaig where the book, Russians—the People Behind the Power by George Feifer, will be discussed.
—Norton Schwartz