Women’s Club Luncheon – May 8, 2014 at 12:00 at the Clubhouse

Fashion Show! Yes, we all love them and Chico’s will be at our May Luncheon on the 8th with their bright and colorful clothes. Our own members, Marian Kennedy, Peggy Oliva, Ana Ryan, Kathy Samuel and Carol Yocom will be modeling these fun clothes. Suzanne Enis will be assisting with the models and fashions. Luncheon will be at noon in the ClubHouse. You will receive your invitation on May 1. Please respond by Sunday, May 4 whether or not you will attend the Fashion Show and you will be notified if you have to bring a salad.

Community Center Bench: The Women’s Club is pleased to announce that it has donated a second teak bench that has been installed at the entrance to the Community Center. These benches came from our own local Timeless Teak.

Dues: Club membership dues are due by June 1. Please bring your check for $10 made out to Niguel Shores Women’s Club to the May meeting or leave it in the office before June 1. It is important that you renew your membership at this time to be included in the Directory for the 2014-15 year.

— Mary Crowl
