Women’s Club Luncheon – March 13, 2014 at 12:00 in the Clubhouse

Lunch: Thursday, March 13 at 12:00 in the ClubHouse. Remember when the librarian was the stern lady with her hair in a bun, iron rimmed spectacles and sensible lace-up shoes?

Well, no more. Our Dana Point librarian is the charming, attractive young Susan Piña who will attend our March luncheon to tell us about the many exciting things going on in our library. I’m sure you have read here in the Seashore News the Library articles about the Meet the Author programs, movies, children’s activities, the Teen Club, Round Table Discussions and educational program, etc. Certainly Susan has been a busy librarian and has greatly enlivened our library since her arrival. Do come and here from her about it all—plus about the upcoming renovations funded by the Friends.

New Members: The Women’s Club has welcomed two new members pictured here: Lydia Alston of Marlinspike Drive and Florence Taslitz of Magellan Isle. Hope to see both of you at our luncheons.

Women’s Club History: Check out the new addition to the Women’s Club entry on the Website: Click on Clubs, then Women’s Club, then History, then each year and you will see the entire history of the Women’s Club starting in 1973 with lots of photos of members and their activities through the years.

Luncheon Notice: Members will receive an e-mail invitation to the March 13 Luncheon on Thursday, March 6. Please respond whether or not you will attend by Sunday, March 9. You will subsequently be informed whether or not you need to bring a salad.

See page 19 for additional photo.

—Mary Crowl

