I wanted to provide some clarification and information about the signs being posted throughout the community, you may see them (photo right) and they state: “Caution Chemically Treated Keep Off”. This notice is to let Niguel Shores residents know there will be herbicide sprayed in the general area of the posted sign. This is not the exact location the spraying, but the general location. As required by law, when a landscaper sprays a chemical or herbicide a notification sign must be posted to inform residents that this is occurring. Please understand the landscaper is not spraying new or different chemical, these are the same herbicide used in Niguel Shores for years. The law now requires signs be posted. In addition, these are the same herbicides many homeowners use in their own yards.
We have instructed the landscape contractor (Harvest Landscape Enterprises) to provide you with a letter explaining this in a little more detail (https://www.niguelshores.org/community/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Harvest-Landscape-pesticide-letter.pdf). In the future, Harvest will provide the management office with the notification in advance when spraying will occur and management will send an email and post notification on the website including the dates spraying will be occurring. We will also have copies of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for residents review. These sheets provide details of the herbicide, including warnings (much the same as any medication prescribed by your doctor has a warning of all possible side effects).
In addition to the signs, I understand that some homeowners are concerned about the mulch having an odor and that it may contain chemicals. This is not true as the mulch used in this community is merely green (biodegradable) waste such as grass cuttings, hedge trimmings or other materials that can decompose naturally and organically. There are no chemicals in the mulch used at this community.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at mmiller@niguelshores.org or 949-493-0122.
– Marla Miller, NSCA General Manager